Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Main Turning Points in the Modern History of the Middle East and their Impact on the Region

The primary goal of this paper is to provide the sufficient analysis of the turning points in the history of the Middle East and explain their effect on the development of the region. Following the historical flow of events allows determine the reasons for the potential actions and the ability to understand the future of the Middle East. The first turning point is the â€Å"Palestinian issue†, which lead to the establishment of the Palestinian state.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Main Turning Points in the Modern History of the Middle East and their Impact on the Region specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nonetheless, despite having the opposing opinions, Palestinians and Israelis were able to find time for the negotiations and resolve the existing problem between two nations. Nonetheless, the problem tends to exist despite introducing the dialogue between two countries related to the establishment of p eace (Kronish 88). In this instance, no solution was found due to the controversial opinions about the right solution, as the participants tend to pursue different goals. It could be said that the collapse of USSR was the second turning point in the history of Israel, as it dramatically affect the flow of events in different spheres in different spheres of the country. As for its contribution to the development of Israel, this era increased the population of the Jews due to the cultivation of the positive thinking towards Jews’ migration. Moreover, the collapse underlined the significance of the United States of America in the world. Another change agent is the relationship between Kuwait and Iraq. In this case, the United States of America liberated Kuwait and destroyed the Iraq’s social and economic infrastructures. This flow of events led to the popularity of Saddam Hussein and desire to liberate Palestine. In this instance, Saddam Hussein was one of the main figure s in the politics, which determined the formation of the particular attitude towards the Middle East countries (Cockburn and Cockburn 56). The global rise of terrorism due to the collapse of the USSR, leading positions of the Unites States of America in the military issues was another changing point in Israel and the politics of the Middle East. In this instance, it could be assumed that the actions of the United States define the presence of terrorism in the world. Supporting the political and repressive systems of the Middle East countries contributes to the desire to fight for the rights and have the absence of injustice with the assistance of aggression (Allison et. al par. 1). Furthermore, the tragedy, which occurred on September 11, 2009, in the United States of America, which involved the attacks of Pentagon and World Trade Center. In this instance, the planes were hijacked by the people from Saudi Arabia. These cruel actions contributed to the development the antiterrorist p olicies. Nonetheless, it is unclear whether this policy had a positive impact on the development of the international relationship, as it started the open war against the terrorism. It could be assumed that the negative attitude towards the terrorism was a driver for the presence of violent acts towards Israel by Palestinians. This particular fact led to the collapse of the Israeli government and necessity for reelections. The combination of the turning points, which are mentioned above, determined the attitudes towards particular religions in the world.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The elections of Obama as the president of the United States of America determined the political flow of actions and aimed towards finding a solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem. In this instance, Obama actively contributes to the development of the particular solutions to the issue. Nonetheless, i t remains unclear whether his actions correspond with the interests of Israel and Palestine (McConnell 10). In turn, the globalization is another point, which determines the development of the Middle East. The existence of this approach proposed the belief that Muslim culture causes particular danger to Christianity and peace in the world. Another historical phenomenon is rapidly increasing the number of the nongovernmental organization. In this instance, this action contributed to the development of Al-Qaeda and cultivation of the prejudice against the Middle East relation to the correlation of terrorism and Muslim religion. Additionally, the continuous intervention of the other states, which are not located in the Middle East, contributed to the definition and establishment of the borders between the states. The presence of these views created the development of the Arab allies and its controversial actions towards Iraq. The external intervention was the primary driver for this ev ent due to the Iraq land being rich in the natural resources. Furthermore, the United Nations introduced the sanctions to change the position of Iraq in this conflict. These sanctions caused a significant damage to Iraq’s citizens. However, the primary goal was to weaken the position of Saddam Hussain and his influence in the world. The control of Iraq continued to exist due to the potential risks of production and distribution of the dangerous weapons. Another aspect is the desire of Turkey to become a member of the European Union. This feature was a primary driver for the development of the different policies, which emphasize the importance of human rights and relations. Changing and modifying of the laws, freedoms, rights, and policies brought Turkey closer to the standards, which are actively promoted by the European Union. Nonetheless, the establishment of the reforms and instability of the economic and political situation led to the domination of the Islamic party durin g the elections. This aspect identified the future ability of Turkey to become a part of the European Union, as the country’s leaders lack the ability to cultivate the trend towards the respect of the human rights. The influence of the NGOs cannot be underestimated due to their ability to drive significant attention to the refugees. Nonetheless, the wars in the Gulf States was the primary reason for the disparity during the oil distribution. In this instance, being rich in natural resources resulted in giving a significant share of the income to the countries such as Syria and Egypt.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Main Turning Points in the Modern History of the Middle East and their Impact on the Region specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this instance, the strong position of Kuwait was determined by the inability to find oil and other natural resources on time. This aspect determined the ability of Kuwait to remain undiscovered as a country with a high potential of the natural resources. The processes of liberalization and privatization in the 1980s determined the economic situation in the Middle East. In this instance, it remained evident that some of the countries will experience a significant economic downturn, and some of them gain particular profit from the operations. This aspect identifies the difficulties, which are associated with the following process, as the Middle East countries are highly dependent on the export of a single product. These economic aspects identify the flow of the events and introduction of the external sanctions and economic policies due to the necessity to maintain the situation in control. Although, it is clear that it is unclear how the financial resources can be distributed clearly. The Islamic politics continued to rise due to paying high attention to the terrorists. In this instance, Osama bin Laden was one of the critical figures in the cu ltivation of the necessity of training for the terrorists. Providing financial support for the development of bombs and other particular features. The United States of America contributed to the confrontation by bombing particular weapon factories. Nonetheless, the globalization of the terrorism took place, as Osama bin Laden developed the plan for the bombing the U.S. embassies around the world. These actions are the main causes for the activation of the terrorists in the modern world due to the strong opposition to the terrorist movement. Egypt also remained one of the common goals for the cultivation of Islamic traditionalism. Nonetheless, it could be said that this attitude was one of the crucial reasons for the development of the terroristic movements among Egyptians. Despite being highly criticized by the government of the United States of America, the problem was not taken into account and analyzed critically. This fact contributed to the development of the terroristic moveme nt and actions in the context of terrorism. In this case, the various terrorist groups tend to develop across the Middle East and Africa including such countries as Egypt (Laqueur 143).Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The occupation of Iraq by the American forces created confusion and caused a sequence of events, which formed the current state of the Middle East. The desire to build the democracy in Iraq and prevention of the future risks were the primary reason for the American intervention. However, despite having positive intentions, the active participation of the United States of America was a determinant of the jihadi movement development. This aspect created a significant confusion among the election of the parties and caused a massacre of the innocent people. Furthermore, this fact was a reason for the mobilization of the forces in Saudi Arabia and escalation of the conflict. The United States of America were actively training military forces of the Saudi Arabia, but the explosion continued its presence. Additionally, the political changes related to the presence of women in politics were questioned and Middle East countries including Oman, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. In this in stance, the internationalization and constant intervention of the United States of America contributed to the change of attitudes and presence of the different social roles. Nonetheless, the ability to understand the importance of the women’s civil rights and freedoms in politics (Al-Sabah 133). The influence of the democratic nature of the West cannot be unnoticed in this case. However, the difference in mindset and attitudes cannot modify the commonly accepted principles, which are supported by the religion in the Middle East. In turn, the active sanctions of the United States of America prevented Iran from building its infrastructure and establishing military force. Nonetheless, the Iranians were able to reach the international community by convincing investing in the gas and oil industries. The actions were not successful, and the dysfunction of the economy was defined by the sanctions. In turn, any propaganda of the freedom of thinking and portrayal of other political ex pressions was aggressively prohibited. The presence of these policies questioned the abilities of the political leaders to have a right decision-making. In this instance, the United Nations continued to pose the sanctions to Iran to avoid the potentially risky and dangerous consequences. Nonetheless, the question between Israelis and Palestinians continued to rise, and the election of Barak was one of the potential aspects, which defined the decision. In this instance, the relationships of Israel with the United States of America contributed to finding the solution to the issue and defining the potential interests of all countries. Nonetheless, Syria was also involved in the conflict due to its vehement connection to the first Gulf War. Nonetheless, the United States of America developed a relationship and regulation of the conflict between Jordan and Israel. However, the controversies continue to exist due to the eccentric actions of each state and the inability to act in accordanc e with commonly accepted principles. In the end, it remains evident that the intervention of the United States of America and other countries in the flow of the events in the Middle East determined the development of the particular movements and coalitions to protect the rights of the population. In this case, the foreign involvement negatively affect the formation of the particular social groups. In conclusion, it is apparent that the issues, which are actively emphasized in the text, have a tendency to remain unsolved due to the focus on the other aspects of the countries and analysis of the social roles. It is evident that all countries have to contribute to finding the solution to the terrorism issue simultaneously due to the situation of high risk. Works Cited Al-Sabah, Meshal. Gender and Politics in Kuwait: Women and Political Participation in the Gulf. New York: I.B. Taurus Co Ltd, 2013. Print. Allison, Graham, Nicholas Burns, Ashraf Hegazy, Joseph Nye, and Stephen Walt 2011 . What Role Should the U.S. Play in Middle East. Web. Cockburn, Andrew, and Patrick Cockburn. Saddam Hussein: An American Obsession. London: Verso, 2001. Print. Kronish, Ron. â€Å"The Other Peace Process: Inter-Religious Dialogue in the Service of Peace in Israel and Palestine.† Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics, and Culture, 20/21.4/1 (2015): 88. Print. Laqueur, Walter. The New Terrorism: Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass Destruction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print. McConnell, Scott. â€Å"Obama Solves His Israel Problem (If Not Palestine’s).† The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 32.4 (2013): 10. This essay on The Main Turning Points in the Modern History of the Middle East and their Impact on the Region was written and submitted by user Paityn Cantu to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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