Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Compares the significance of the dominant conservative parties and Essay

Compares the significance of the dominant conservative parties and their opponents on the left (and in the center, as in the case of the DPJ) in France and Japan - Essay Example Due to this unity, the Japan Democratic Party won the next elections, held this power for over almost five decades, but lost the power in 1993. The party strategies came from its strong ties with the United Nation and the USSR. However, Criminal Intelligence Agency in US was not happy with the Socialist and the Communist party and therefore spent millions of dollars influencing Japans elections in the favor of the Liberal Democratic Party. Many analysts argue that the influence was due to the second world war that really affected the Japanese hence the CIA were worried of their counter reaction. The influence of the US CIA was a deep kept secret and was only revealed later in the 1990 thanks to The New York Times. In the 1960’s LDP managed to host 1964 Olympics and neutralize the Vietnam War (Fackler, Osaka Mayors Radical Message Has Broad Appeal in a Weary Japan). Their success continued as the Party managed to improve the country’s economy. However, the Party did not have it smooth all the way. The Party encountered resistance from the Socialist Party and Japan Community party. LDP also encountered many scandals including some of young members breaking away from the government and joining their opponents. Despite this, the government managed to consolidate and move forward. The Party made policies from all specters of the economy that managed to hold the party into leadership until 1993 when it lost. The party lost due to lack of power to influence voters in addition to many scandals in the government. Despite the loss the LDP was able to gunner its power back and after three years it was back to leadership. In 1998, Democratic Party of Japan was formed. The party challenged LDP mostly in 2003 and 2004 in parliamentary elections (Sieg). France political interest began hundreds of year ago with philosophers such as Locke challenging the government in its governance role.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE MEDIA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN THE MEDIA - Essay Example Globalization, which â€Å"denotes the expanding scale, growing magnitude, speeding up and deepening impact of transcontinental flows and patterns of social interaction,†2 implies the intermingling of people from different culture and race, which makes it necessary that there is a mutual respect for each other’s cultural or racial differences, for peaceful coexistence. The term cultural diversity is exemplified by UNESCO (under Article I of Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity) as, Culture takes diverse forms across time and space. This diversity is embodied in the uniqueness and plurality of the identities of the groups and societies making up humankind. As a source of exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. In this sense, it is the common heritage of humanity and should be recognized and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations.3 Cultural diversity, which in simple terms, means respecting existing cultural differences amongst various society members, can be expressed through different channels, the most potent route in this era of information and technology, being the public news media (like Internet, newspaper, radio, or TV).4 Through the news media, diverse cultural groups are able to air their opinions, and able to relate to other members with same cultural values, or even reach out to people who are not a part of their culture. However, cultural diversity in media is much dependent on the way a country’s government frames its democratic and cultural polices, and the manner in which media groups handle the issue of freedom of expression. In this context, the article first studies the importance of culture and cultural diversity within a state democracy, then examines the two cultural diversity models that exist in terms of news media,5 and lastly the model implemented in US news media